Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Get Neoflu in Neopets

In the fun interactive online world of Neopia, users and their fanciful characters, called Neopets, can explore, complete quests, play games and battle challengers in the Neopets Battledome. Certain challengers require that players complete specific tasks before they will face them in the Neopets Battledome. To get the Neopets character Meuka to challenge your Neopet in the Neopets Battledome, you must first get your Neopet infected with Neoflu.

  1. Wait for your Neopet to contract Neoflu through a random event. A random event is the most common way that Neopets can contract Neoflu in Neopia. Random events can be divided into five types: Good, Bad, Pointless, Winter Events and Tyrannian Events. Since you want your Neopet to come down with Neoflu, you'll be hoping for a "Bad" random event.
  2. Make a visit to the Wheel of Misfortune. The Wheel of Misfortune is the second most common way that Neopets contract Neoflu in Neopia. To try your hand at the Wheel of Misfortune, you will first want to remove any items of value from your inventory, bank all but 100 of your Neopoints and choose a Neopet that has not yet read anything. Once you've done that, step right up and spin the Wheel of Misfortune. If you're lucky, your Neopet will contract a bad case of Neoflu.
  3. Purchase a Ferocious Negg to feed to your Neopet. Ferocious Neggs are expensive items that, when fed to your Neopet, increase your Neopet's strength by two to four points but also make your pet ill. Ferocious Neggs cause a variety of illnesses, including Neoflu. Neopets members interested in buying the Ferocious Negg can expect to pay around 125 Neopoints.
  4. Spin the Wheel of Excitement and hope for Neoflu. The Wheel of Excitement is a Neopets game that awards players with good luck or bad luck events or items. So while spinning the Wheel of Excitement may infect your Neopet with Neoflu, it's just as likely that it will increase your Neopoints.
  5. Try to get your Neopet to contract Neoflu from the Wheel of Monotony. The Wheel of Monotony may be able to infect your Neopet with Neoflu through a random event. Because the Wheel of Monotony awards random events, you are not guaranteed to receive the random event you're hoping for.

Read more: How to Get Neoflu in Neopets | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5208293_neoflu-neopets.html#ixzz1Lsfn7DhU

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